Our Services

Dental Implant Solutions

Our Dental Implant Services provide advanced, personalized solutions for restoring your smile. Whether you need a single tooth replacement or a complete dental reconstruction, our skilled professionals deliver exceptional care tailored to your needs. Utilizing the latest technology, we offer a wide range of implant options, including single-tooth implants, implant-supported bridges, and full-mouth restorations. Our goal is to enhance your oral health and boost your confidence with a natural-looking, long-lasting smile.

Real People, Real Stories

Flexible Pricing Plans

Up to 10 Years of Financing


Snap on Denture

Complete Oral Evaluation
Cone-Beam CT Scan
Implants, Lower Arch Only
Removable Provisional

All On 4 - Full Mouth

Complete Oral Evaluation
Permanent Teeth Next Day
4 Implants per Arch
Full Mouth Restoration

Zygomatic Teeth Single Arch

Complete Oral Evaluation
4 Implants per Arch
Cone-Beam CT Scan
Permanent Implants Next Day
Dental Financing 6

Looking to Finance Your Treatment?

Recognizing that dental care isn’t just for those who can pay upfront, we offer flexible payment and financing options. We also coordinate with insurance providers to maximize your coverage benefits.

Awards & Recognitions


Global Implant

5.0 (120 review)


From Consultation to New Smile Just in 24 Hours

At Global Implant Dentistry, we see a smile as more than aesthetics—it reflects your health and happiness. As leaders in dental innovation, we offer groundbreaking implants that transform aspirations into realities. Our ‘Permanent Teeth in 24 Hours’ method redefines fast, lasting dental transformations. Experience top precision, speed, and personalized care. Embrace the future of dental wellness and smile with confidence.


Day1: Appointment Day

We take pictures of your mouth. You can pick the shade and shape of the teeth and our expert lab technicians will start planning and designing your teeth.

Day 2: Surgery Day

On your surgery day, we'll precisely place your implants, initiate your custom teeth design, and then you can comfortably recover at home.

Day 3: Delivery Day

You will arrive on this day to have your permanent teeth delivered. We will do some minor adjustments to your bite just to make sure everything looks perfect.

(949) 653-5609


Our Services